
Dualtech Center and Unilab Pharma Academy organize free electric motor controls training

In collaboration with Unilab Pharma Academy and under the Advanced Manufacturing Workforce Development Alliance (AMdev) Program, Dualtech invited partner companies to participate in a free training session on Basic Electric Motor Controls. The event was held in Amherst Laboratories, Unilab Pharma Campus last September 20, 2023. Forty participants were present at the event.

Leonard Calma, Manager for Linkages of Dualtech Center, welcomed everyone by saying the current session is just the start of many high-value technical trainings with partners: “Dualtech Center is currently offering programs for partners. We partner with several groups such as Unilab Pharma Academy, LCCI, Amherst Laboratories, and Unilab Foundation. This is the start of the many technical training sessions for industry partners.”


Mr. Wrianeile Abuel, Manager and Dean of Unilab Pharma Academy gave an introduction about the Advanced Manufacturing Workforce Development Alliance (AMDev). This is a five-year program of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) implemented by the Unilab Foundation (ULF) in partnership with model manufacturing companies, education institutions, non-profit organizations, and organizations in the public and private sector.The Alliance will work to contribute to forming and sharing knowledge for the Philippines as the country attains high-middle income status, shapes businesses to be more internationally competitive, and positions its youthful population to thrive in Industry 4.0. or Advanced Manufacturing.

The training course covered the industrial control systems directed towards industrial applications. After the lecture, participants underwent hands-on exercises to help them understand and apply the concepts taught. Participants learned to use the correct test instruments in measuring electrical properties, understood the motor control system, and conducted basic motor control troubleshooting, among other technical goals.

Various participants in the audience shared favorable feedback. One was thankful to hear the best practices used in the industry, since the information he often sees is only in the theoretical setting. Another was thankful to hear an extensive explanation of the symbols used in technical diagrams. Another feedback said the same but the participant added that he learned the value of organized visualization, which needs to clearly show diagrams and symbols.

Another feedback commented that the training was a wake-up call to focus not only on the mechanical but the electrical as well, and to keep being open to new learnings and not just what the present situation entailed.


For the closing remarks, Mr. Nestor Guevarra, Manager of Engineering at Unilab,  thanked the organizers involved for making it possible that the knowledge for the training be freely shared with other sectors, and not be kept exclusive within one plant or group. He thanked everyone for attending since the organizers fully support raising the standards of the Filipino work culture. Most importantly, he reiterated that this is just the beginning of partnerships and collaborations. The concerned partners will only need to communicate to Dualtech if they have other specific training in mind, and Unilab Pharma will plan accordingly.

At the end of the event, Unilab Pharma Academy and Dualtech awarded the certificates to the participants.


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