
Career Talks on Electromechanics reaches more of Bukidnon’s Upland Learners

Del Monte Foundation Inc (DMFI) and Lao Foundation (LFI) joined forces with Dualtech Training Center to bring career talks and consultations on the Electromechanics Technology Program to Impasug-ong and Manolo Fortich in Bukidnon. Manolo Fortich is renowned for the vast Del Monte plantation, while Impasug-ong is known for eco-tourism.

Specifically, the team went to Sankanan Integrated High School and Kibenton Integrated High School in Impasug-ong. The school’s principals were impressed by the dual training system of education program and encouraged their learners to pursue this mode of education after their senior high school. Students and teachers were specifically interested in the program’s features like immediate employment after two years. Ms. Bam Bam Botavara of DMFI pledged her support for those interested and who will qualify for their scholarship program for next school year 2024.

The tandem-group also held an orientation for the six scholars at Impasug-ong and Sumilao in Bukidnon Province. The scholars will begin their 2 year Electromechanics Technology course in Dualtech wherein they will spend 6 months in-school for electrical, electronics and mechanical skills training, and eventually to be placed in one of the over 200 company partners of Dualtech for in-plant training. Scholars will be guided and mentored towards stable employment. The scholars’ support will include transportation, pocket money, board and lodging expenses for two years.

These scholars — all Junior and Senior High School graduates– were selected through the Zero Extreme Poverty ZEP 2030 program tied up with Dualtech, DMFI and the Lao Foundation, Inc.

While in the area, the Dualtech group met the Community Trainers and Education Coordinators (CTEC) of Manolo Fortich, Impasug-ong, Sumilao and Libona communities of Bukidnon province for a possible tie up for the school’s Electromechanics Technology program.

CTE Coordinators were interested in the immediate employment of the graduates through electrical, electronics and mechanical skills training.They plan to encourage more out-of-school youth in their community to apply at Dualtech, and to help their families through fulfilling technical careers. CTECs are part of TESDA, and just like in many provinces, the staff serve throughout Bukidnon province to help deal with skills training, livelihood programs, and employment needs of the community through the help of the local employment office and municipal leaders.

Representatives of Dualtech Training Center Foundation Inc. (DTCFI) and Del Monte Foundation, Inc. (DMFI) took time to regroup at Manolo Fortich to discuss activities aligned with the Zero Extreme Poverty 2030 (ZEP 2030) program in partnership with Lao Foundation, Inc. The discussion revolved around the selected scholars from Impasug-ong and Sumilao, Bukidnon who will be supported as they undergo the 2-year Electromechanics Technology program. Scholars will be eventually mentored to a stable career in the technical field. Other issues were taken up such as corporate partnerships, CSR with partners, local recruitment activities and community relations programs of each company.


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